Metabolomics Creative Proteomics

Bile Acids Analysis Service

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Bile acids are a general term for a class of bile alkanoic acids present in bile and are synthesized from cholesterol in the hepatocytes. After synthesis, primary bile acids are secreted into the gallbladder and subsequently enter the intestine where they are oxidized, dehydroxylated and de-conjugated by intestinal microorganisms to produce secondary bile acids. The free bile acids can further combine with glycine and taurine to form the corresponding conjugated bile acids.

Bile acid synthesis, recirculation and microbial modifications in the gutBile acid synthesis, recirculation and microbial modifications in the gut (Thomas et al., 2022)

The formation of bile acids is important for the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. They can influence the absorption of dietary lipids and also act as signaling molecules to activate specific receptors. The specific binding of these bile acid receptors not only modifies bile acid composition, but also plays a crucial role in the maintenance of lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism, and energy metabolism in the body.

Bile acid levels in serum are an important indicator of hepatobiliary function. The detection of multiple bile acid levels in biological samples can lead to reliable markers for a wider range of diseases.

Bile acid metabolism regulated by the intestinal flora maintains the intestinal barrier through multiple effects. Imbalances in bile acid metabolism can affect the intestinal barrier and promote inflammation as well as the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Specific bile acid profiles can be used to study intestinal flora-host interactions in animals under physiological conditions as well as in specific diseases.

The action of bile acids is structure-dependent, with many metabolic transformations leading to a complex mixture of biologically active and inactive forms. Advanced methods are needed to characterize and quantify individual bile acids in these mixtures. Creative Proteomics provides high-quality bile acid analysis through a targeted quantitative metabolomics platform, based on UPLC-MS/MS technology.

What We Can Offer:

ServiceMetabolic PathwaysSample Requirement (minimum)
Bile Acid Analysis
Synthesis and Metabolism Assay
Bile acid synthesis and metabolismTissue: 10 mg
Cell: 2×106
Blood/plasma/serum: 20 µL
Urine: 10 µL
Feces: 5 mg
DBS: 20 µL
Gut co-metabolism
Cholesterol metabolism
Blood-brain barrier
Bile Acid Precursors AnalysisBile acid synthesisTissue: 10 mg
Cell: 2×106
Blood/plasma/serum: 50 µL
Urine: 50 µL
Blood brain barrier
Bile Acids (Biocrates Bile Acids Kit)Cholesterol metabolism50 µL
30-40 mg
Bile acid metabolism

Service Workflow

Service Workflow


  • Experimental procedure
  • Parameters of LC and MS
  • MS raw data files and MS data quality checks
  • Bile acids quantification data
  • Custom analysis report

Creative Proteomics offers several approaches to provide bile acids analysis service and deliver precise and detailed data and analysis report. If you want to detect other metabolites, you can tell us through the inquiry form, and our technicians will communicate with you.


  1. Thomas, J. P., et al. (2022). The emerging role of bile acids in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Frontiers in Immunology, 246.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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