What are carotenoids and why analyze them?
Carotenoids, a diverse group of pigments found in various organisms, exhibit a remarkable array of colors ranging from vibrant reds and oranges to bright yellows. These visually appealing compounds have captured the attention of scientists and researchers for their intriguing properties and multifaceted roles. In addition to their visual impact, carotenoids also possess significant nutritional and health benefits, making them a subject of extensive analysis and study.
Chemical structures of the carotenoids
Analyzing carotenoids is essential for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, understanding the distribution and abundance of carotenoids in different organisms provides valuable insights into their ecological significance and their role in various biological processes. By investigating the presence and concentrations of carotenoids in different tissues and organs, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of their functions and the factors that regulate their synthesis and accumulation.
Moreover, carotenoids play a crucial role in human nutrition. Certain carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, are provitamin A compounds, which means they can be converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for vision, growth, immune function, and reproduction. Analyzing carotenoids in food sources and dietary supplements helps assess their nutritional value and ensure an adequate intake of these beneficial compounds.
Carotenoids also exhibit potent antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. High levels of oxidative stress have been linked to the development of various chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disorders. By analyzing carotenoids in biological samples, researchers can explore their potential role in preventing or mitigating these diseases and gain insights into their mechanisms of action.
In the field of food science and technology, carotenoid analysis is crucial for quality control and ensuring consumer safety. The presence and levels of carotenoids in food products can serve as indicators of freshness, ripeness, and nutritional value. Additionally, carotenoids are natural pigments used as food colorants, and their analysis helps verify product authenticity, detect adulteration, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
Carotenoids also play a significant role in plant physiology and photosynthesis. As accessory pigments, they expand the range of light wavelengths that can be absorbed and utilized by chlorophyll during photosynthesis. Analyzing carotenoids in plants aids in understanding their role in light harvesting, photoprotection, and adaptation to different environmental conditions. This knowledge can contribute to the development of improved agricultural practices and the breeding of crops with enhanced nutritional content and stress tolerance.
Furthermore, carotenoids have gained attention in biotechnology and industrial applications. They are utilized as natural colorants in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Analyzing carotenoid production in microorganisms, such as bacteria and algae, helps optimize production processes, develop genetically modified strains, and explore their potential as renewable sources of valuable compounds.
In the field of biomedical research, carotenoids have emerged as intriguing subjects of study due to their potential health benefits and therapeutic applications. Analyzing carotenoids in the context of biomedical research offers valuable insights into their metabolism, bioavailability, and interactions with biological systems. This information can aid in the identification of biomarkers, understanding of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity.
Creative Proteomics has established a carotenoids analysis method based on the LC-MS/MS platform external standard + isotope internal standard, which can detect a wide range of carotenoids. This method has low throughput, qualitative accuracy and can complete the absolute quantification of metabolites. Creative Proteomics can provide technical services for the entire process from sample extraction to presentation of results report.
The analyzable carotenoids include, but are not limited to:
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Technical route

Technical features
- Instrumentation - ABSciexQTRAP®6500LC-MS/MS
- Ion source - APCI
- Detection mode - MRM
- Detection accuracy - pmol
- Linear - R2 > 0.99
Technical advantages
Check the secondary spectra of sample materials and of standard products one by one.
Choose the best ion pair to ensure accurate quantification of the substance.
Based on advanced mass spectrometry platform to ensure high sensitivity.
Creative Proteomics has leading technology, first-class R&D and production equipment, and has established a complete Plant targeted metabolomics service system, making the upstream and downstream experiments seamlessly connected. You can also perform personalized customization services at the data analysis stage. It also has high-quality after-sales service to help you analyze the project's final report and help you answer your doubts. If you want to know more, please contact us immediately.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.