Metabolomics Creative Proteomics

Tannins Analysis

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Tannins is an acidic substance, extracted from the grape seeds of the gall plant. As a natural preservative, it has antioxidant effect, can eliminate active oxygen in the human body, prevent cardiovascular disease, and beautify the skin. In industry, tannins is widely used in leather tanning and blue ink production. In medicine, tannins can increase the contractility of smooth muscle fibers in the intestinal muscular system, adjust the function of the colon, and have a certain effect on colitis. Mass spectrometry is a sensitive analysis technique. Even at low abundance, it can detect, identify and quantify various plant tannins by measuring its mass and characterizing its chemical structure. Mass spectrometry instruments can be combined with gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC) to effectively separate organic molecules from complex samples. Comprehensive tannins analysis helps to clarify how plants respond to different conditions such as mutations, stress and tannin treatments.

Applications of Tannins Analysis

  • Reveal mechanisms of plant development
  • Uncover plant's responses to biotic and abiotic stresses
  • Safety assessment of crops
  • Crop improvement

Advantages of Our Tannins Analysis Service

Rich experience in plant sample handling and analysis of various tannins

Enable analysis of tannins present in a variety of plant species at cell/tissue level

Accurate quantification of tannins with LC-MS and GC-MS

Flexible statistical analysis and bioinformatics analysis

Service Workflow

Since different tissues have different matrix properties, Creative Proteomics has developed multiple novel sample preparation techniques. Our services allow the profiling of more than 100 plant hormones, including cinnamtannin A2, tannic acid, etc.

Tannins analysis service workflow  Figure 1. Tannins analysis service workflow.

Mode: MRM

Precision: pmol

Linear: R2 > 0.99

Analysis content:

  • Standard curve creation
  • Raw data preprocessing
  • Absolute quantitative and qualitative analysis of tannins.
  • Differential metabolite screening

List of Detectable Tannins at Creative Proteomics

TanninsCinnamic Acid
Tannic acid

Sample Requirements

1. Fresh plant tissuesfrom leaf, flower, stem, root, seed, or fruit: >1g. Provide young plant tissues for the best results. Samples should be frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection, and then transferred to -80°C for storage.

2. Cells stored in -80°C.

At least 3 biological replicates.


  • Experimental procedure
  • The parameters of liquid chromatograph and mass spectrometer.
  • Extract mitochondria and purified protein samples.
  • Purity analysis report.
  • MS raw data files and MS data quality inspection.
  • Metabolite quantitative data.
  • Analysis report of total tannins.

Mass spectrometry-based profiling of tannins enables quantitative analyses of plant hormones in a faster, convenient, and sensitive manner. With decades of experience in mass spectrometry services, Creative Proteomics has a proven track record supporting diverse tannins detection and quantification. We can meet your specific project requirements, from sampling to bioinformatics.


  1. Liu C, Zheng Y, et al. Rhubarb tannins extract inhibits the expression of aquaporins 2 and 3 in magnesium sulphate-induced diarrhoea model. BioMed research international, 2018.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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