Metabolomics Creative Proteomics

Betaine Analysis Service

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What is Betaine?

Betaine, scientifically recognized as trimethylglycine, is a multifaceted compound with profound implications across various biological realms. It is derived from the amino acid glycine through methylation, resulting in a unique chemical structure with three methyl groups attached to a nitrogen atom.

This compound is ubiquitously present in nature, found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. In plants, betaine serves as a crucial component in stress response mechanisms, aiding them in adapting to environmental challenges such as salinity. Animals, including humans, obtain betaine through dietary sources, with rich reservoirs found in foods like beets, spinach, and whole grains. Microorganisms also produce betaine, contributing to its prevalence in various ecological niches.

Betaine plays diverse physiological roles. In plants and certain microorganisms, it acts as an osmoprotectant, helping maintain cellular integrity under conditions of osmotic stress. In animals, betaine is essential for homocysteine metabolism, serving as a methyl donor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. This is crucial for cardiovascular health, as elevated homocysteine is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, betaine serves as a methyl donor in various methylation reactions, contributing to the synthesis of essential molecules such as DNA, RNA, and neurotransmitters.

Betaine Analysis Services Offered by Creative Proteomics

Unlock a holistic understanding of betaine with our services that cover the detection of various betaine forms, including plant-derived betaines, those found in animal tissues, and microbial betaines. Our approach is designed to provide you with a thorough and nuanced analysis across different biological contexts.

Targeted Metabolite Profiling: Gain a detailed understanding of betaine and its associated metabolites through our targeted metabolite profiling services. We employ advanced techniques to unravel the intricate metabolic pathways, providing a focused analysis of betaine's role in diverse biological contexts.

Untargeted Metabolomics Exploration: Explore the full spectrum of metabolites present in your samples with our untargeted metabolomics services. This approach allows for a broader analysis, uncovering novel metabolites and providing a holistic view of betaine metabolism in various biological samples.

Quantitative Analysis of Betaine: Accurately quantify betaine levels in your samples with our quantitative analysis services. We utilize cutting-edge mass spectrometry techniques for precise quantification, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.

Identification of Metabolites: Our services include the clear identification of betaine and its related compounds. Through sophisticated analytical methods, we provide detailed reports on the metabolites present in your samples, enhancing your understanding of betaine metabolism.

Metabolomics Pathway Analysis: Gain insights into the intricate metabolic pathways involving betaine with our pathway analysis services. We offer a detailed account of betaine's role, helping you understand its connections and implications within broader metabolic networks.

Customized Sample Analysis: Recognizing the diversity of sample types, our services are tailored to accommodate various sample matrices. Whether you're working with tissues (plant and animal), biofluids (blood, urine, etc.), or cell cultures, our analysis is adapted to meet your specific research needs.

Betaine Analytical Techniques

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive: Employing advanced Orbitrap technology, this instrument ensures high-resolution and accurate mass measurements. Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) capabilities enable in-depth structural elucidation and identification of betaine and related compounds. The advantages lie in exceptional sensitivity and specificity in detection and quantification.

Agilent 6545 Q-TOF: This instrument combines quadrupole technology for selective mass filtering with time-of-flight (TOF) for accurate mass measurement. It excels in high sensitivity, detecting betaine and metabolites at low concentrations, and facilitating precise identification.

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS): In this approach, liquid chromatography separates betaine and related compounds, while mass spectrometry ensures specific detection and quantification. The method offers selective separation for enhanced specificity in detecting betaine and is adaptable to various sample types.

List of Analyzed Betaine, including but not limited to

TrimethylglycineDimethylglycineTrimethylglycine AnhydrousGlycine BetaineDimethylsulfoniopropionate
DimethylthetinDimethylpropiothetinHomarinePipecolate BetaineProline Betaine
Hydroxyproline BetaineSarcosineHydroxyethyltrimethylammoniumCholineStachydrine
AnserineSpermine BetaineStachylineO-AcetylhomoserineAvenine
AlkyltrimethylammoniumHydroxyprolinePyrrolysine BetaineDipicolinate Betaine

Sample Requirements for Betaine Assay

Sample TypeSample Amount
Plant Tissues50-100 mg
Animal Tissues20-50 mg
Microbial Cultures1-5 mL
Biofluids (Blood, Urine, etc.)As per standard collection volumes
Cell Cultures1-5 mL
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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